Grace & Savour - A Foodie Sanctuary

Grace & Savour - A Foodie Sanctuary

We were lucky enough to stay at Grace and Savour in Spring last year; it happened to be right after our twelve year wedding anniversary, which was such a wonderful alignment because we had spent our ten year anniversary in the first lockdown! Phew! What a time eh! So yes, it’s been a year in the making for this blog but again in perfect alignment, it’s been a year since they opened and they have just been awarded one Michelin star!

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The Language of Empowerment

The Language of Empowerment

{ I have been thinking a lot about language. The words we choose. The words we don’t know. What we read and what is shoved down our throats.  I have been thinking about how language serves us? How do the words we use empower us? And how words fail us when we don’t know how to name feelings or thoughts or actions, leaving us feeling powerless. }

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