It's been a while...
It’s been a long while since I posted anything here but I wanted to talk about my new baby….Not Kipo our sweet cat but Falasteen on Film CiC; a nomadic community cinema bringing the best independent, archival and beautiful cinema from Palestine (& beyond) to Brum. We aim to give cinema back to the people by creating non-passive film experiences through creativity and community. Myself and Pablo have been working hard (with a fluctuating expansive team of volunteers) for the last year and quarter on laying the foundations for what we hope will be a longstanding community project.
Palestine has been a part of my soul for the last 15 or so years and it feels so aligned to be able to amplify and share these incredible films. We've been incredibly lucky in being able to share classic films, documentaries, Oscar shortlisted/nominated films and premieres to the Midlands! But more than that we are always so humbled and honoured to connect communities by facilitating spaces through a shared love of storytelling, art, Palestine, film and so often food. One of the main reasons for wanting to secure funding is so we can keep ticket prices low/by donation/free wherever and whenever possible. One of our most successful events was a full day of short and mid length animated movies alongside workshops, all family friendly and entirely free. How amazing would it feel and be to put something out there that is free for people to enjoy? Especially those who may not usually consider film a main way to also connect in community and express creatively?!
Our next steps are to secure funding so we can continue to create events that degentrify what cinema can mean to all communities and share in the power of art and film. Let me tell you, it’s not for the feint hearted! It really tests your sanity and determination when trying to squish all you do and can do, into 300 word answers; if you’ve ever hand squeezed oranges for juice, it feels like that, tens of oranges and barely a glass! Hopefully it’ll be worth it.
Anyway, follow our journey over on instagram and very, very soon our own website! And enjoy a few pictures I’ve attached below because you all know by now that I’ll write very little and share many photos!