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Discover The Bluedot - A Family Festival of Music and Science

In a couple of months, we will be attending our first family festival! We will be headed to Jodrell Bank for Bluedot Festival as guests to experience and review all the festival has to offer!

Before kiddos, me and Chris went to a few festivals and it was something (alongside travelling) that we looked forward to sharing with our children in the future. Now here we are with two kiddos in tow and excited for our first festival together.

What we are most excited about is the fact that Bluedot not only showcases amazing music but celebrates science! And this year, it’s the anniversary of the moon landings, so there will be lots of moon related events and activities!

Below, I wanted to share a few of the events and bands that we are looking forward to sharing with the littles the mostest!

  1. Museum of the Moon - although as you can see we have seen it before, this stunning artwork by Jerram is a must see! I have been obsessed by the moon for as long as I can remember and it was humbling standing so close to a version of the moon.

  2. Clangers - We love the gentle, sweet and caring Clangers and are excited to watch an exclusive screening (and sneak peek of a 3rd season!) with other festival goers ! There’ll be a Q+A with the production team too..

  3. Ibibio Sound Machine - Me and the girls have danced a lot to the sounds of Ibibio in our kitchen and I cannot wait to do it LIVE! They’re fun, eclectic, rhythm, funky and soulful sound is definitely one to get you moving!

  4. Wallace & Gromit Modelling Workshop - So, hubby is a fan of the Wallace & Gromit movies and he has this Gromit mug, which both girls have adored since they were babies! They’ve now watched the movies and are also fans! So this workshop will be awesome for them to get involved in!

  5. New Order - I mean…my Noughties teen self who danced to their anthems in many a indie, dingy club with sticky floors and sweaty walls, is beyond excited! That stuttery flat drum beat followed by the twangy electro beeps! GAH! Cannot wait to dance to this!

  6. Moonwalking - Exploring Afrofuturism - I will be honest, I am not certain what this will entail but I love the idea of activities talks and performances to explore what walking on the moon would be like! it sounds interactive and really great fun!

  7. StrongWomen: A Science Circus Performance - I mean what’s not to look forward to? Circus tricks used to explain scientific theories? (and vice versa I guess!)

So there are just 7 of the many things we want see and do at Bluedot ! Don’t forget there’s the official Bluedot spotify playlist which you can get to here if you want to listen to the bands who will be performing!

Although this is a press trip, all thoughts and excitement is my own! I can’t wait to share when we land at Bluedot in July! You can buy your tickets here